Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to a new format for studying the Bible.  This is a first attempt for me to lead interested members in studying and learning about the Bible in an online format. 

I'll post reading assignments, ask some questions, suggest an interpretation or two, and look for your ideas and responses. 

I encourage you to share this with a friend or small group of friends- not just online, but in person.  Talking together and praying together builds us up spiritually, and keeps us from assuming our own ideas are all there is to say. 

1 Corinthians is a letter, written by the Apostle Paul to the christian church in a city called Corinth.  As with all of Paul's letters, we, the readers, only get one side of the conversation, so we have to deduce what we can from the letter about the people of the Corinthian church.

Let's start with the first two chapters for the first week of October 2016.  I look forward to sharing this experience with you.

God's Peace,
Pastor Glenn

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    Glenn Berg-Moberg

    Senior Pastor of St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church in St. Paul, MN. 


    January 2014

